SpringUnit Eclipse Plug-in


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To install the Eclipse Plug-in:
  1. Exit Eclipse if it is running
  2. Unzip the contents of the zip file (org.springunit.plugin.springunit-plugin_x.y.z.jar) into the plugins directory of your Eclipse installation
  3. Restart Eclipse
To launch the Eclipse Plug-in:
  1. Select File/New/Other to open the New selection dialog box
  2. Open the Java folder, then the SpringUnit folder, then select the SpringUnit Wizard

  3. Click on Next to start the wizard.
To uninstall the Eclipse Plug-in:
  1. Exit Eclipse if it is running
  2. Delete the jar file (org.springunit.plugin.springunit-plugin_x.y.z.jar) from the plugins directory of your Eclipse installation
  3. Restart Eclipse
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