SpringUnit (currently at version 0.5) depends on
particular versions of Java, Spring, and JUnit.
SpringUnit makes use of generics and is coded using Java 5.
SpringUnit extends JUnit version 3.8.1.
The naming conventions of "classic" JUnit must be followed.
SpringUnit was built using Spring version 1.2.8 although it has
been successfully used with Spring 2.0.x.
Beans in SpringUnit currently may have only one of two scopes:
singleton and prototype.
Prototype scope should be used for beans that are stateless,
and singleton scope should be used for beans that are stateful.
Using singletons in JUnit tests usually has undesirable effects.
Therefore, tests that use singletons should typically refresh
Spring's application context at set up or tear down.
Examples of this pattern can be found in the case study
in the packages
org.springunit.framework.samples.jpetstore.domain.logic.hibernate and
Integration tests using SpringUnit have been tested using
Hibernate and MySQL.
Anyone with experience using SpringUnit different O/R frameworks or databases
is encouraged to report their experiences.
The following potential enhancements to SpringUnit are under consideration:
Creation of a Java 1.4 branch
Creation of a branch based on JUnit 4.0 and Spring 2.0