callSetUp() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.SpringUnit4Test
callSetUp() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.SpringUnit4TransactionalTest
callTearDown() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.SpringUnit4Test
callTearDown() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.SpringUnit4TransactionalTest


getConfigLocations() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.HierarchicalSpringUnitContext
Given the list of test classes in the hierarchy, return the list of resource names that satisfy the naming convention "Classname.xml".
Caches the list of locations so this need only be computed once.
getConfigLocations() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTest
Return list of file names that the Spring test framework uses in order to create beans for testing.
getConfigLocations() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Return list of file names that the Spring test framework uses in order to create beans for testing.
getData() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitContext
Test data values associated with a TestCase.
getObject(String, String, Object) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.HierarchicalSpringUnitContext
Search for object identified by key in the hierarchy of classes descending from the descendent of AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests or AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests.
getObject(String, String) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitContext
Find the data value identified by key, searching first in the scope of the name of the test (fName), then outward until found or null is returned.
getObject(String, String, Map<? extends String, ? extends T>) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitContext
Find the data value identified by key in the map by searching first in the scope of the test (fName).
getObject(String) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTest
Search for object identified by key in the hierarchy of contexts.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Search for object identified by key in the hierarchy of contexts.
getTestMethodName() - Static method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameRunner
getTestName() - Static method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameRunner


HierarchicalSpringUnitContext<S extends AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests> - Class in org.springunit.framework
Manages the contexts of a SpringUnit test.
HierarchicalSpringUnitContext(Class<? extends S>) - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.HierarchicalSpringUnitContext
Given the class of the current test (testClass), construct an ordered list of classes, where the first class is testClass, the second class is the superclass of testClass (if any), the third class is the superclass of the second (if any), etc., and the last class is the immediate descendent of the immediate descendent of AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests or AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests.


NameListener - Class in org.springunit.framework.junit4
Obtains the name of the currently running test from the TestRunner.
This implementation follows the example given by Gabriel Cooper at http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/junit/message/18728.
NameListener() - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameListener
NameRunner - Class in org.springunit.framework.junit4
Stores the name of the currently running test from the TestRunner.
This implementation follows the example given by Gabriel Cooper at http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/junit/message/18728.
NameRunner(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameRunner


onSetUpInTransaction() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Subclasses should override this method to perform any setup operations, such as populating a database table, within the transaction created by this class.
onSetUpInTransactionAtBeginning() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Deprecated. Subclasses should instead override onSetUpInTransaction directly. This method is maintained for backward compatibility but will be removed in a future release.
onTearDownAfterTransaction() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Calls onTearDownAfterTransactionEnds so that subclasses can insert behavior at conclusion of transaction.
onTearDownAfterTransactionEnds() - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Subclasses can override this method to perform cleanup here.
org.springunit.framework - package org.springunit.framework
org.springunit.framework.junit4 - package org.springunit.framework.junit4


run(RunNotifier) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameRunner


setData(Map<? extends String, ? extends T>) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitContext
Make data the test data values associcated with TestCase.
setTestName(String) - Static method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameRunner
SpringUnit4Test - Class in org.springunit.framework.junit4
SpringUnitTest enabled for use with JUnit4 annotations.

The approach followed here follows the example given by Derek Young, "Adapting Spring's JUnit 3.x base classes to JUnit 4", Tuesday, April 3, 2007, http://dmy999.com/article/21/adapting-a-springs-junit-3x-base-classes-to-junit-4.
SpringUnit4Test() - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.junit4.SpringUnit4Test
SpringUnit4TransactionalTest - Class in org.springunit.framework.junit4
SpringUnitTransactionalTest enabled for use with JUnit4 annotations.

The approach followed here follows the example given by Derek Young, "Adapting Spring's JUnit 3.x base classes to JUnit 4", Tuesday, April 3, 2007, http://dmy999.com/article/21/adapting-a-springs-junit-3x-base-classes-to-junit-4.
SpringUnit4TransactionalTest() - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.junit4.SpringUnit4TransactionalTest
SpringUnitContext<T> - Class in org.springunit.framework
A bean that holds data for a single SpringUnitTest.
The bean contains a single attribute, data, that is a map of strings to objects.
SpringUnitContext() - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitContext
SpringUnitTest - Class in org.springunit.framework
Extends Spring's test framework to support data-driven tests.
SpringUnitTest() - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTest
Default constructor.
SpringUnitTest(String) - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTest
Constructor with JUnit name.
SpringUnitTransactionalTest - Class in org.springunit.framework
Extends Spring's test framework to support transactional data-driven tests.
SpringUnitTransactionalTest() - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Default constructor.
SpringUnitTransactionalTest(String) - Constructor for class org.springunit.framework.SpringUnitTransactionalTest
Constructor with JUnit name.


testFinished(Description) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameListener
testStarted(Description) - Method in class org.springunit.framework.junit4.NameListener


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